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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Primary Care indemnity survey

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In early 2018, the Department for Health and Social Care commissioned a survey of GPs, Nurses and Pharmacists in General Practice.

The survey was designed to help the department understand current indemnity arrangements within General Practice, informing the development of the new state backed scheme.

We received more than 1,200 individual responses, providing us with extremely useful insight into current indemnity arrangements. We were concerned to see that over half of GPs, or practice managers who responded on their behalf, are unaware of the type of cover they hold.

We encourage GPs and other primary care professionals to be proactive in checking the terms of their current and previous clinical negligence cover. GPs and other primary care professionals with claims-paid or claims-made indemnity arrangements or insurance policies will be required to purchase run off cover separately themselves to ensure they are fully indemnified for any claims that may occur, unless the terms of their cover specify any defined circumstances where this would not be required.

The link for the published survey can be found here:

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