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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Ben Gummer visits West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

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Ben Gummer, Minister for Care Quality, met staff and patients at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust today.

The minister visited the emergency departments and children's wards at Watford General Hospital, followed by a meeting with the Trust's leadership team.

The visit followed the CQC's inspection report in September 2015, which recommended the Trust should be placed into Special Measures, and was an opportunity to look at the Trust's progress.

Ben Gummer, Minister for Care Quality, said:

Today's visit to Watford General Hospital has been very useful. Having met staff and patients, I've been encouraged by how the Trust is responding to the CQC's recent inspection report.


Every patient in West Hertfordshire rightly expects the best possible quality of care and services. Clearly there is still a great deal of work to be done. So it is crucial that the Trust continues to work closely with regulators and take advantage of the support available to put in place the necessary improvements.

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